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How can I help you today?
Welcome to the Help and Support page of TitansPet! We understand that using an online platform can sometimes be overwhelming, so we're here to assist you. This page provides the necessary information and guidance to make your experience with TitansPet smooth and enjoyable. Whether you have questions, need assistance, or want to report an issue, we've got you covered.
To create an account on TitansPet, click the "Sign Up" button on the homepage. Fill in the required information and follow the prompts to complete the registration process.
Once logged in, you can browse various listings by using the search bar, exploring categories, or applying filters to refine your search results. Click on a listing to view detailed pet, product, or service information.
If you're interested in a listing, you can use the messaging feature on TitansPet to communicate directly with the seller. Click on the listing and look for the "Message/Call" option to start a conversation.
You need to create a listing to sell a pet or product on TitansPet. Click on the "Sale" button, provide accurate and detailed information about your offering, upload photos, and set a price. Once your listing is live, interested buyers can contact you through the platform.
TitansPet acts as a platform for connecting buyers and sellers. The payment process may vary depending on the agreement between the parties involved. We recommend discussing payment details directly with the seller to ensure a smooth transaction.
If you encounter a suspicious listing or a user who engages in fraudulent activities, please report it to us immediately. Use the "Report Listing" or "Report User" options on the listing or user profile page.
If you experience technical issues or errors while using TitansPet, please try clearing your browser cache and cookies and reloading the page. If the issue persists, contact our support team for further assistance.
If you have any additional questions or concerns or need further assistance, our support team is here to help. You can reach out to us through the following channels.